Thursday, January 23, 2014

Christmas Decorating 2013 Contest

Pictured left to right: Andrea Moratti, Owner Andrea’s Sweet Designs,  1-Year NABA Membership; Ken and Kay Johnson, 2nd Place Residential $25 NABA Bucks; Sherryl Weber, NABA representative; Lianne Phillips and her daughter Natalia, 1st Place Residential, $50 NABA Bucks
The Niagara Area Business Association sponsored a city and town of Niagara Christmas decorating contest.  A panel of local judges viewing displays and awarded prizes for their favorites. In 2013, you had to register at First National Bank of Niagara or online at

There was no cost to participate and prizes were awarded.  In the residential category $50, and $25 in NABA Bucks which are like cash and can be spent at NABA member establishments.  The prize for the business category will be one year paid membership to the NABA.  

2013 winners were:  Commercial decoration display- Andreas’s Sweet Designs.  They won a NABA one year membership for their business.  1st place in the residential category…was Dan and Lianne Phillips who won $50 NABA Bucks.  2nd place in the residential category was Ken and Kay Johnson and they won $25 in NABA bucks.  NABA bucks can be redeemed at any NABA business and it’s like cash.

If you have any questions about Niagara Area Business Association call Sherryl and Juli at Computer Service & Enhancement at 251-4703.